Pretty awesome start of a Series!!!!


A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas

I would have to say I really think this series is going to take me on a very interesting and awesome adventure. I would have to say my favorite character was Rhysand, what can I say I really love a bad boy. I also felt more chemistry between him and Feyre than Feyre and Tamlin. I thought Tamlin did really care for Feyre though. I did see some chemistry between them through but just not as much.

I do have to say it did start off pretty slowly for me but once Feyre has to go with Tamlin things started to really pick up.  I thought Amarantha fit the part of a witch perfectly. I also really loved Lucien. And I also loved Nesta as well.

I was really happy with how things ended and can’t wait to read book 2 and 3, as soon as I catch up with a few other books. 


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